Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes: The Apocalypse Series: 1 (The Apocalyse Series)

I was sent this book in exchange for an honest review.
Description: Our current world is full of chaos, turmoil, hatred, wars, starvation, murders and strife. Every day the world spirals more and more out of control. The people of the world feel helpless and are looking for someone, anyone to save them. Who will save them and bring peace to the world? Can the birth of a single child be the answer to their prayers? Where is God in all of this? Is anyone even searching for Him or are they too caught up in the world to even bother looking?
Nicolaitanes Balac, a man who is quickly gaining political power and reverence, has enlisted the help of General Alexander Ludlow and The Group in an attempt to bring about peace and serenity for the entire world. Hence, the birth of Operation Dark Angel, a military operation designed to bring about world peace. Or is it? Will the operation really bring an end to the turmoil, violence and hatred or will it make matters worse? What can the people of the world do to regain control of the world?
Overall: I liked the book! The plot was totally unique and the different narratives was amazing! I really liked the suspense that the prologue created. I loved how simple the storyline was, but how complex it was within the different perspectives. It baffled me how the author tied all of them together at the end. My one problem was the Christianity aspect. I am 100% fine with Christianity, but I really don't like it in books. I was not familiar with the scripture at all, and I felt like it forced it one me a little too much. It wasn't as bad as most Christian Fiction, though, so that was alright. The characters were very well developed, too! The voice and the disappearing guy thing were a little too much for me. There were a few grammar mistakes and the word choice was slightly lacking, but it was a good book nonetheless.
Characters: This is probably morbid, but I loved the complexity of Nicoanitanes. He was focused, evil, and perfect. I also loved the side characters, like Wei and Mei. It was the little details that I loved in this book.
None really stood out to me.
Recommend?: I would really recommend if you are a strong christian or really want a unique story line. I give it 3/5.
Salaam, Lived One Thousand Lives