Understanding Self Worth

*I was sent this book by the author in exchange for an honest review*
*Cover and Description from Goodreads*
Description: Serena knows a few simple things. She will always be owned by a warlock. She will never have freedom. She will always do what her warlock wishes, regardless of how inane, frivolous, or cruel it is. And if she doesn’t follow the rules, she will be tarnished. Spelled to be bald, inked, and barren for the rest of her life—worth less than the shadow she casts.
Then her ownership is won by a barbarian from another country. With the uncertainty that comes from belonging to a new warlock, Serena questions if being tarnished is really worse than being owned by a barbarian, and tempts fate by breaking the rules. When he looks the other way instead of punishing her, she discovers a new world. The more she ventures into the forbidden, the more she learns of love and a freedom just out of reach. Serena longs for both. But in a society where women are only ever property, hoping for more could be deadly.
Overall: ...............I need a moment to compose myself. This book was absolutely beautiful and perfect and everything you could ever want for a dystopian YA book. It is the story of a girl, Serena, living in a time where men are warlocks and rule women like they are property. When I first started reading, I was so taken aback by how harsh and disturbing the way the men treated the women, but hang in there. It gets so good. The setting was absolutely perfect, the plot was SO good. Twists and turns every second it seems. Serena was not clingy or overly emotional, she was strong and brave and hard-headed. Her story didn't even focus on love as much as it would seem, but more on how she can protect her family now that she is gone and how she will adapt to being owned by someone other than her father. I honestly could not stop reaidng this book after the time I started it. I got those anxious butterflies in my stomach when you really want to read but cant at the moment. The plot was different from most of the dystopian, fantasy, Ya books, which was refreshing. You know which ones i'm talking about, the ache to read that book. Let's see, what else can I say other than to read it now before you miss out? Get the book here or here!
Characters: I loved Serena, like I said before. I absolutely adored Zade....he was kind and sensitive and so freaking sweet and shy. He is my boyfriend, I called dibs! I also liked Katherine, who I could perfectly picture and fell in love with! I loved Cynthia, Serena's sister, who was always there for her. I could go on and on about all of these characters.
Quotes: I couldn't highlight any because my phone hates me, but here are a few that I can find.
"The pain is already receding from where he hit me, but the damage has been done."
"They are the shadows I've always been taught they are. But don't I sometimes do the same with Father and my family? Stand back where I can't be seen, waiting and watching."
Recommend?: 1000000/5 stars. You can round it to 5/5 stars. So amazing! Read it now! Please? For me?
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