Overall: I am so in love with this jewel of a book. I'm extremely embarrassed to say that I was not expecting it to be so good. I'm completely speechless! I became so emotionally invested in this book and the characters There's something that really connected with me. It was like I was catching up with old friends. I seriously felt every emotion the characters felt. I read this book in about 4 hours without stopping. I finished at about 2 A.M. Monday morning. I could not stop, no matter how badly my eyes burned. But the story was so good! I only wish that the thing with the mom was detailed a little more. Like it was very abrupt, like that moment in movies where the DJ makes the sound with the turntable, and everything gets a little awkward. I suppose that was the point, though To catch you off guard. The love story was very cute. This book made me sad that I am single......Let's not talk about that. The only other thing I wasn't a fan of is the God thing. I am a Christian, for sure, but I don't really like to talk about it, you know? Like I know Gods there for me, but its not something I express. It's only for me and myself. It wasn't bad in this book, though It was kind of low key, which I liked. So all in all, I love this book and author and everything! Amazing! Just look at that cover! How cool! And the title! Very original!
Characters: Loved Brian. He was so sweet and excited, like a puppy dog. I also loved Ash for obvious reasons. Tall, dark, and mysterious. What could be better? I'm Team Ash by the way. Comment who's side you're on if you have read this. I really loved Lexy's parents too! Especially her mom!
“What if I'd been wrong all this time? I'd been so angry that God didn't fit the description I wanted him to fit.”
“It's just not that easy answer you want wrapped up in a pretty, little bow. Nothing real ever is, but that doesn't mean it's hopeless.”
“People lie to themselves all the time. If they lie to themselves, how can you expect them not to lie to you?”
Along with half of the whole book!
Recommend?: Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! I give it 100000000000/5 stars, but since "This input is not valid" I choose 5/5 stars. AH-MAZING book! Read it please! Team Ash all the way!
Salaam, Lived One Thousand Lives