Daddy's Home

Daddy's Home - A.K. Alexander Overall: I really enjoy a good thriller, and this one was very good. The idea was super creepy and unique. My favorite show is Criminal Minds and this was like a book version of my show, with more detail. I love the fact that it gave you the viewpoint of everyone, even the killer. The ending was very far fetched, but all books have something that is improbable. It had many twists and turns and had you biting your nails is fear and suspense. To sum it up, it was demented and very good!

Characters: I loved Brenan. He was so adorable. The fact that he was a vet makes him 20000000000 times more lovable and attractive. The girls were also adorable because they were little and cute, obviously! Holly was the perfect mix of serious and romantic and, of course, kick-ass cop! She was awesome!

Quotes: None

Recommend?: Yes, if you are a fan of Mary Higgins Clark books and watching Criminal Minds while peeing your pants, you will love this! I will give it 4/5 stars!